Thursday, November 22, 2007

The challange

On Friday 16th November we were outside at the field, we were playing walk the plank. We had to rush across to the two planks. We saw the three hoops and inside of those hoops there were some twix bars, moro bars and lollipops. Group 2 came first then Group 1 came second. My group was group 2. In our group was Portia, Caleb, and Uluaki.

When the game was finished we went inside the hall. We had to sit in our group and Ms Squires told us to build a big skytower. Then the bell rang and we had to go to have our lunch.....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Netball World championships

On Tuesday we went to the netball world championships. It was Barbados vs Malaysia. Barbados won 62-37. Barbados come from below Mexico and close to Jamacia. By Faye